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Game of Thrones / Gwendoline Christie

Game of Thrones 
Gwendoline Christie

A gymnast as a youth until a back injury, Gwendoline also enjoys dance, as seen in this promo for Love magazine

Gwendoline says she pulls on her experience being bullied and taunted for her androgynous looks and height, and channels that into her performance as Brienne.

"The actor Gwendoline Christie, bright bottle blonde and dressed in black leather, bellows. Even her whispers, numerous and unprintable, boom. I find her sitting in the most discrete corner, for what its worth, of her chosen meeting place, which is the upstairs bar of the Groucho Club. 'Oh there you are,' she says when I arrive, on account of the way I've spent the last ten minutes trying to follow her sound through its crumbling stairways and corridors, 'I've been hiding, to set a little challenge for you.' She lets go of a roar so loud and deep that everyone in the room looks at her, which, I think, is something she loves." (Please don't flag as mature, this image is power, not porn.)

Never having removed her helmet, not everyone realizes she played Captain Phasma in Star Wars VII: The Force Awakens. Her suit is made from the salvaged ship of Emperor Palpatine.

From a modeling shoot, wearing a Giles Deacon designed Phasma inspired gown made just for her.

I wonder what Tormund would think of lady wookies?

She also played as Commander Lyme in The Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part 2

On stage at the London Palladium in 2009, as the Queen in Shakespeare's 'Cymbeline

She was noticed by photographer Polly Borland due to her striking beauty and height, and was in a series of photgraphs called 'Bunny' in 2002 and 2008. (This is not from that series) This video of Madonna inviting her on stage, gives you a great impression of her height, grace and humor

Gwendoline Tracey Philippa Christie is an English actress and model, most known for playing Brienne of Tarth on Game of Thrones.

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