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Excerpt from a diary written by Maybelline founder's niece, while visiting the Villa Valentino in 1940,

Old Hollywood Glamour 1940 style - Tuxedos, False Eyelashes, Daiquiris and Dancing the Conga.

left to right.  Tom Lyle Williams, Jane Allen, Emery Shaver, Annette Williams, Arnold Anderson.

We drove to Pasadena to see a sketch of Tom Lyle's new car.  The artist for Packard had sketched it on a blackboard, actual size, to give tom Lyle an idea of dimensions.  Believe it will be some sporty job. The car will be a long convertible, four or five passenger, cream with red leather upholstering.  From the sketch it looks as if this will be the best looking and most unusual car Tom Lyle has had.  We spent the afternoon waiting for Tom Lyle to get all details settled, and stopped at a Drive-in for a sandwich.  Rushed home to dress forEarl Carroll's.

Another big night.  Tom Lyle and Arnold dressed in tuxedos again and we wore formals.  I decided to wear false eyelashes and felt like one of the glamour girls.  Evelyn and Bill went with us to Earl Carrolls, so there were six in the party until around eleven when Emery joined the crowd.  Earl Carrolls beautiful night club, much larger than Ciros, with a stage away from the tables for dancing.

 We all had a turn at dancing, but Annette and Arnold did the Conga with the crowd.  The rest of us were sitting at the table and enjoyed the entertainment.  Had a couple of daiquiris around the table and dinner at ten or ten thirty.  The floor show here was gorgeous with loads of beautiful girls.  The stage was revolving, so there were many unusual arrangements in dance.  Bert Wheeler was master of ceremonies.
Villa Valentino fountain with statue, ASPIRATION.

  Left Earl Carroll's around two, took Evelyn and Bill home, but didn't get to bed until around 4 A.M.  The moon was beautiful when we got home, and Tom Lyle turned on all the flood lights in the garden.  With the fountain, lights, flowers and moon, the garden was gorgeous.

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